Albert is Big, Bouncy, Brightly Coloured and ExcitingThe moment Albert the Amazing AirGym arrives on site, excitement builds. We are not sure if children’s excitement is contagious, but by the time we are set up everyone on site will feel the bubbling excitement of “Is it my turn yet?” One of the most difficult programs for our skilled coaches to conduct due to the high level of anticipation and controlling children’s impatience. It poses a challenge to Coaches teaching the required safety constraints demanded by Albert the Amazing AirGym prior to use. Sometimes, when it all seems too hard or its been raining for a week and kids are bursting with energy, we have to get them exhausted in our warm up activities, just so they pause long enough to demonstrate an understanding of how to always be safe. Of course, Albert the Amazing AirGym helps too. His soft, bouncy rolling curves invite children to bounce, roll and play on a safe central pathway. Raised soft rolls border the jumping pathway, making sure the excited kids stick to the safe zone. Why is Albert the Amazing AirGym Such Big Drawcard?Regardless of the age of children or coaches 😊 Albert the Amazing AirGym is, above everything else, fun. As well as his forgiving nature (you can fall and bounce right back up and keep going) he has the truly wonderful ability of covering up your mistakes. With just a little posing, acting or pretence on the kids part, Albert the Amazing AirGym turns a classic “mistake” into a totally new activity for other children to copy. How cool is that? Bright colours make everyone’s day bright. Albert the Amazing AirGym uses clashing primary colours to attract, contrast and heighten the power of the invitation to join right in. We have watched thousands of children exploring on Albert’s soft, coloured surface; from those who can’t even walk yet, to teens and young adults. The moment Albert’s plump sides are blown up and ready, everyone is on edge, eagerly awaiting their turn.
3. Group size
We like everyone to have as much time learning and exploring their skills and trying new tricks as possible. We recommend age based groups such as 5 – 7 year olds, 8 – 10 year olds, 11 – 13 year olds. This ensures each child has more repetitions to improve their skills and try a wider variety of activities. It also helps limit copy-cat behaviours by younger children by grouping activities suitable for each age group. A final note about Albert the Amazing AirGym. He is just a little lazy. He only works from 8.30 – 4, 5 days per week during the New South Wales primary school holiday period in Sydney. This means he can only visit 2 centres per day in the coming holidays. If you are looking for the biggest Vacation Care Program drawcard, which comes to your centre, book now or you will miss out > |