Top 10 sports for kids to play |
Skaters and hockey players seeking a way to keep fit in the off season found it hard to find an activity that used the muscle groups required for sating-fitness at the highes level. For many, the lack of indoor rinks or the available time or space on rinks created a need that was filled by the development of inline skates. Within a very short space of time, designers began seeking ways to reduce friction, increase speed and add safety components from ice hockey. Specially shaped, ultra hard wheels minimised the surface area of the wheel touching the footpath, Sophisticated axels and bearings ensured stability at high speeds. A new sport was born, before long the speed and availability of quality footpaths and cycleways saw a new industry spring up. Today complex games including roller derbies, roller hockey, figure skating and speed skating races grew into clubs that catered to rolling sportspeople. |
How It will Benefit Your Child
Children develop agility as they predict how to manoeuvre amongst walkers, cyclists and on occasion, even vehicles. There are the obvious fitness benefits of increased muscle strength, cardiovascular fitness and dynamic balance. It is one of the few sports that, although you may be alone, it is necessary to consider and interact with others, generally people you don’t know already.
Using inline skates at the skateboard rink has in more recent times created highly skilled athletes whose skating abilities lelave bystanders breathless. Although this may not be everyone’s idea of fun, it provides an excellent spectator and display sport.
It is good to note that inline skating is a great mode of transport, covering distances easily at approximately the same speed as on a bicycle. Many locations have legislated to places where you are allowed to skate and taking responsibility for your personal health and safety, ensuring you are using a helmet, wrist and knee guards means inline skating is a fast way to aerobic fitness.
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*Core Muscle Activities*
*Don’t Worry I’ll Land Safely*
*Equipment Hire*
*Exercise For Your Brain*
* Fidget Spinners - Good Or Bad For The Classroom?*
* Flexible Seating *
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*Games For The Classroom
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* How To Fall Safely*
*How To Get Better Sleep*
*How To Manage Muscle Soreness*
*Importance Of Dance*
*Improve A Child’s Handwriting*
*Improving Cartwheels*
*Laundry Basket Ball*
*Learning Maths While Exercising Means Better Results*
*Lockdown Olympics*
*Making Mini Tramps Safe*
*Mastering Flexibility*
*Mastering The Forward Roll*
*Missing Power For Athletes*
*Move A Nation*
*Move It Boys*
*Moving With Maths*
* My Schooling Experience*
*Ninja Warrior Day*
*Ninja Warrior Party*
*Number 10 Parkour*
*Number 1 Football*
*Number 2 Swimming*
*Number 3 Cycling*
*Number 4 Skating*
*Number 5 Basketball*
*Number 6 Running
*Number 7 Walking*
*Number 8 Gymnastics*
*Number 9 Racquet*
*Paper Plate Discus*
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*Summary Of Exercise Benefits By John Ratey*
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*Supporting Teachers With The Gymnastics Equipment*
*Table Tennis*
*Take The Sugar Test.*
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*W Sitting*