We make sure our safety equipment ensures you and your partner are all smiles as you learn basics to grow you human pyramid. Acrobatics means different things for different people. In a Holiday Acrobatics Day at your centre, we know 3 things will occur as we get into the joys of working together. 1. Children Explore the Boundaries of Trusting Each Other |
Often children’s fear comes to the surface in a very self-evident manner; some refuse to join an activity, some physically wobble, shake or are unsteady on their feet. This requires a very careful, step by step progression through the fearful element. This may be breaking down a skill, lowering the height at which it is performed or building sub-skills before attempting a more difficult challenge. For example, asking a child to balance on one leg on a partner’s shoulders will illicit a fear reaction, yet when the balance is performed on a partner lying down, then on a kneeling partner’s back, many children begin getting excited about pushing themselves to the next level. Often, we have to limit their enthusiasm as they are not physically or mentally ready for the really difficult pyramid or balance! |
2. Respect for Others Grows as We Learn About Our Bodies and Boundaries
Once children experience the feeling of being a base or a balancer, their understanding of the level of skill and what is important quickly grows. This is very important to ensure their team’s well being at all times. Not only do they need to learn the skills from all aspects, they need to be taught how to enter (start) the pyramid and exit (end) the pyramid.
You will continue to be amazed by the development of new variations on shapes, balances and skills. Simple 2 person balances may have a many as 50 variations, a number that grows every time we conduct an acrobatics day at a holiday care centre.
3. Physical Challenges Require Mental Focus and Learning
Simple balance skills take time to develop. Your holiday acrobatics day is the ideal time to apply shortcuts to fast improvement. Coaching programs, designed with the end in mind gently guide children through each step of the process.
We like to demonstrate a highly complex skill at the start of the session and watch the look on children’s faces as we tell them they will be doing this by the end of the day. We then return to the basic elements required for the development of their own acrobatics activities.
Different groups learn in different time frames, mainly because of exposure to gymnastics, dance or martial arts prior to attendance at the acrobatics day. Within these sporting experiences, children have learned how to focus and learn skills more quickly. This carries over directly into their acrobatic ability.
Regardless of where your vacation care children’s experience, they will be all smiles and immensely proud of their achievement within an acrobatics day. It is a great joy to see them discuss their achievements with parents and siblings at the end of the day. Excitement and pride glowing on every face.
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*Exercise For Your Brain*
* Fidget Spinners - Good Or Bad For The Classroom?*
* Flexible Seating *
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*Games For The Classroom
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*Importance Of Dance*
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*Improving Cartwheels*
*Laundry Basket Ball*
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*Mastering Flexibility*
*Mastering The Forward Roll*
*Missing Power For Athletes*
*Move A Nation*
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*Moving With Maths*
* My Schooling Experience*
*Ninja Warrior Day*
*Ninja Warrior Party*
*Number 10 Parkour*
*Number 1 Football*
*Number 2 Swimming*
*Number 3 Cycling*
*Number 4 Skating*
*Number 5 Basketball*
*Number 6 Running
*Number 7 Walking*
*Number 8 Gymnastics*
*Number 9 Racquet*
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*Summary Of Exercise Benefits By John Ratey*
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